Dining In The Dark Kuala Lumpur 独一无二体验黑暗中享用美食

dining in the dark kl

Dining In The Dark, 吉隆波著名以黑暗中进食为主题的餐厅. 让您体验在没有灯光下的环境下用餐. 您是否试过在伸手不见五指的情况下享用美食?这家餐厅只在晚上营业, 待在黑暗, 没有手机, 没有阳光,没有外界的环境下能专心享用美食更能与家人或朋友聊天增进感情.

A restaurant in total darkness. A completely new sensory experience. DINING in the DARK KL, the very first of its kind in Malaysia. The optic nerve is overridden – your other senses take over. Every sound, every movement, every taste, every breath is an adventure!

Thoughtfully designed and carefully prepared surprised menu fit for a fine dining—Starter, Main, Dessert—with varying flavours to give your palate a wonderful experience and your mind… an exciting challenge!

One may think it a challenge, or simply a unique experience of learning and discovery. All you need to do is step in with an open heart (with some excitement of course) and, trust our expert guides to lead you through the whole dining experience.

The Surprise Menus are designed to bring you through a marvellous gastronomic journey, where the true flavours and tastes of food have not been influenced by your sight. No, the darkness does not mean we compromise on your fine taste, NEVER!





Dining In The Dark 位于 Bukit Bintang 吉隆波星光大道 The Steakhouse KL 和 Opium KL 之间的小门口. 你必须通过楼梯走上一层楼才可以到达餐厅的大厅.




客人用餐前会被安排在这里先进行一个游戏来体验和适应黑暗的感觉. 客人会被蒙上眼睛然后工作人员会送上一杯果汁让您猜是什么口味.




接下来就是在蒙着眼睛情况下寻找回形针, 好让客人都有个心理准备在黑暗伸手不见五指的情景下用餐. 最后就是把身上所有会发光的物品(手机和手表之类)都放进保险箱.


dining in the dark entrance

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然后客人会被安排成一排手搭着肩膀跟着服务员进入“黑暗世界”. 服务员会安排客人坐在各自的位子, 伸手不见五指的情况下您只能用手和自己的感觉去感受四周围的环境. 服务员会详细的向客人讲解如何拿到刀子, 叉, 杯等等. 当食物送上了服务员会轻轻在您耳边通知您并教您该从哪里开始吃.



当用餐完毕, 服务员会把客人小心翼翼的带到阳台外头坐坐.



阳台那里摆放着菜单, 这里的菜式都属于惊喜的. 在用餐前客人并不知道自己将要享用的是什麽菜式, 知道用餐完毕来到阳台看到菜单才知道刚刚享用的是什麽美食.


营业时间: 6:00pm – 11:00pm


Dining in the Dark KL
50A Changkat Bukit Bintang
50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+603 2110 0431 / +603 2110 3099
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